
Authors are invited to submit original research articles, reviews, and commentaries that contribute new knowledge to the scholarly discourse on sport management and psychology in India, South Asia, Southeast Asia and the world through theoretical development and empirical application. Submissions should adhere to the guidelines provided by the journal. Please carefully refer to the following guidelines of the same. SPMR will be published annually by electrical forms. The amount papers of each issue are no less than 6 and no more than 12.

Manuscript Preparation

  1. Manuscripts submitted to SPMR should not be submitted to another publication while under review for publication.
  2. The papers submitted should be written in English.
  3. Manuscripts should be prepared using Times New Roman font using size 12 font, 1.5 line spacing and justified alignment.
  4. Margins should be set at 1 inch on all sides (top, bottom, left, and right).
  5. The title page should include the manuscript title, authors’ names, affiliations, ORCID ID and contact information.
  6. The corresponding author should be clearly indicated in the title page and their email address should be provided.
  7. Include an abstract of 250-300 words summarising the rationale, methods, results, conclusions and contributions of the research in a structured format.
  8. Provide 4-6 keywords that highlight the main themes of the manuscript. Tables and figures should be clear, concise, and relevant to the content.
  9. Each table and figure must have a title and be appropriately numbered.
  10. All formatting must adhere to APA 7th Manuscript Preparation Guidelines.
  11. All research papers that use empirical data collected primarily from human participants should be ethically approved either by an educational institution or by the Indian Sport Management Association. Ethical approval from the Indian Sport Management Association will incur a non-refundable fee of INR 1000, which will count towards Open Access fees upon acceptance.
  12. Manuscripts not adhering to the guidelines above will be returned without review.

Manuscript Length

  1. Manuscripts must not exceed 40 pages, inclusive of title page, abstract, main body, tables, figures, and references.
  2. Submissions exceeding this limit will be returned without review.

Peer Review Process

  1. Submissions must be made through the online submission system.
  2. Ensure that the manuscript is in .doc or .docx format. It is the responsibility of author(s) to ensure that the documents are submitted correctly to the respective submission points.
  3. Manuscripts submitted to SPMR undergo double-blind review. The editor will examine all manuscripts and determine if the content is congruent with the focus of the journal. If the content of the manuscript is not congruent with SPMR’s focus, the editor will return the manuscript to the author(s) with an explanation. If the content of the manuscript is congruent with SPMR’s focus, the editor will determine if the manuscript should be “previewed” or “reviewed”.
  4. Authors will be notified of the editorial decision, and feedback from reviewers will be provided via email from [email protected]
  5. Authors may be requested to revise and resubmit manuscripts based on reviewers’ comments. It is the author’s responsibility to resubmit manuscripts within 45 days of revision decision following which the manuscript will be treated as a new submission.
  6. Authors warrant that the manuscript is original except for excerpts and illustrations from copyrighted works that may be included with permission of the copyright owner, such permissions to be obtained by the authors at their own expense. The manuscripts submitted to the publisher must contain the appropriate credit line, if any, required by copyright holders of material adapted or reprinted for use.

Copyright and Publication Rights

  1. By submitting to the Sport Performance and Management Review (SPMR), authors grant publication rights to the journal.
  2. Authors retain copyright of their work but are required to grant the journal the right to publish and distribute the accepted manuscript.

Open Access

  1. All articles accepted for publication will be published as Open Access (OA) with CC-BY license. Upon the acceptance of the article, the authorship team will incur a charge of INR 2500.
  2. OA fees for high quality articles submitted by Early Career Researchers and Post-Graduate students will be waived at the discretion of the editorial team.

For inquiries or assistance, contact the editorial office at [email protected]

Authors are encouraged to carefully adhere to these submission guidelines to facilitate a smooth review process. Non-compliance with these guidelines may result in delays or rejection of the manuscript.

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